Functional Medicine Health/Nutrition Coaching

Fatigued? Burnt out? Overwhelmed? Anxious?

Know what you ‘should’ be doing to optimize your health but having a hard time implementing it?

Or maybe you’re lost in a sea of contradictory information?

It’s enough to make anyone feel lost and confused!

No wonder you’re ready to throw in the towel on your health and wellness goals.

But not so fast, Leah Rachelle is a Functional Medicine Health Coach and a Licensed Social Worker. She is here to help you.

Leah understands that much of how we feel is determined by lifestyle, dietary + supplemental habits.

She provides practical tips + personal support that allows one to make the individual and incremental changes that produce real results: whole food, protein rich food plans, hacks for maintaining balanced blood sugar, tips for hormonal balance, ideas for getting quality sleep, the use of food + herbs as supplements to support cravings + emotional eating.

Leah provides recommendations, support + compassionate care for YOU - individually + consistently.

Is Functional Medicine Health Coaching for me?

Do you think, say or feel any of these?

  • I’m so used to putting everyone else’s needs above my own. It’s hard to even know what I need for me.

  • I’m just exhausted by all the doing and desperately need a break.

  • I turn to food for comfort, but end up feeling so guilty.

  • I’m done with the weight game: it’s seems like a never ending cycle of dieting and overeating.

  • I have lost trust of my hunger and fullness cues and have no idea when to start or stop eating.

  • I want to become healthier but it’s so overwhelming. Where do I start?

  • My doctor says my labs are “normal” but I feel like something might be going on underneath the surface.

  • My sleep is suffering. I feel weary + cry more than I think I should.

  • I just want someone to provide me with knowledge, easy to follow guidance, support, and accountability.

  • If I just had help, I could transform my life. 

If any of these things are true for you…you are not alone or crazy! 

Meet Leah Rachelle

Meet Leah Rachelle

“I know what it’s like to feel lost in endless fatigue, overwhelm, anxiety, misbalanced hormones, an inability to set healthy boundaries.

I know this because I spent 15 years of my life struggling with chronic people pleasing, acne, ADHD symptoms, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and poor body image.

I know what it’s like to feel completely lost and dissatisfied with both conventional and non-traditional medical systems.

It is my goal to help women navigate the ocean of information + misinformation, the advice from here + from there in order to establish lifestyle habits that best serve them.

I want you to learn how to love your amazing body.

I want you to learn how to trust yourself and have tools for self-leadership.”

From lifestyle hacks to food plans, Leah’s support is available to you.