Barre Fusion

Integrate | Empower | Radiate

Barre Fusion is a full-body, low impact workout that is 100% form-over-function.

We combine small movements and isometric contractions with larger dynamic exercises to elevate your heart rate and challenge your muscular capacity.

Light resistance. High reps. Neutral pelvic position. Proper alignment + various props. Develop your endurance, stability, strength and reverse common muscular imbalances.

Shake, squeeze, sauté and plié your way to fit with this fueled-by-music-fun!

Cardio Sculpt

Ignite | Sweat | Motivate

Cardio sculpt kicks off with a bang!

Expect high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that combines short bursts of work with rest periods to facilitate a high-power workout.

Exerting your body to max-effort in short periods of time followed by periods of recovery teaches your body how to recover efficiently. AND you’ll activate post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) which increases your metabolic rate hours after ending your workout. Whaaat??

Yeah. Plus, HIIT has been shown to combat insulin resistance and reduce blood sugar.

Be ready. We slow it down for the second part of class.

You’ll focus on high rep/low weight endurance work to bring on the burn.

This fun, fast-paced class will improve you power, strength, and cardiovascular capacity.

Pilates Strong

Engage | Connect | Empower

Pilates mat is all about the “powerhouse” {coined by Joseph Pilates himself}. 

We are talking about  all the muscles from the ribcage to the hips on the front and backside of your body (think: glutes). 

All of our movements stem from this powerhouse so building strength and awareness is a deep-in-there experience that is vital for healthy biomechanics. 

This is a {Stott Pilates} contemporary approach that merges classical pilates repertoire with modern principles of exercise science. 

Expect improved posture, muscular re-balancing, coordination, endurance, and flexibility. Add to that increased awareness in our lower chakras which feels like YASS!

Body Strong

Strength | Endurance | Stability

This is FULL BODY.

Building + maintaining strength is key to all pillars of health - particularly as we age.

In this class, you can expect movement in all planes of direction and focused attention to all muscle groups.

You will utilize resistance training techniques to build strength and endurance while improving overall fitness.

Your coach will emphasize proper form and progression to accommodate various fitness levels thus promising progress and results!

Discover what building strength can do for your body, mind + soul.